Dumbbell Workout Routines
The following dumbbell workout routines can be performed using
dumbbell exercises and will allow you to target muscles in a specific region of your body.
They are presented here to highlight how effective working out with dumbbell exercises can be.
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Workout Routines for:
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Dumbbell workout for chest
This workout routine is helpful if you are looking to enlarge your chest area.
It targets the upper, lower, inner and outer pectoral muscles.
The Lying Fly dumbbell exercise will target your inner and outer pectorals.
The Incline Bench Press will target your upper pectorals while the Decline Bench Press will target your lower pectoral muscles.
Target Muscles Group: chest
Workout Routine for Shoulders
Use this workout routine if you are looking to broaden your shoulders.
It targets the front, outer and rear deltoid muscles.
The Rear Deltoid Raise dumbbell exercise will target your rear deltoid muscles while
the Front Raise will target your front deltoid muscles.
Target Muscles Group: shoulders
Workout Routine for Arms
Using this workout routine will help you strengthen the muscles in your arms.
The routine targets the biceps, triceps and forearm muscles.
The Alternated Biceps Curl dumbbell exercise will target your biceps while the Triceps Kickback is good at isolating your triceps.
Palms-Up Wrist Curl will exercise your inner forearms and Palms-Down Wrist Curls your outer forearm muscles.
Target Muscles Group: forearms
Alternated Biceps Curl
3 x 8 repetitions
Triceps Kickback
3 x 8 repetitions
Palms-Up Wrist Curl
2 x 15 repetitions
Palms-Down Wrist Curl
2 x 15 repetitions
Workout Routine for Abdominals
Use this workout routine to strengthen your abdominal muscles (i.e. your abs).
It targets the lower and upper abdominal muscles as well as the obliques.
The Weighted Crunch and Weighted Leg Raise dumbbell exercises will target your upper and lower abdominals while
the Dumbbell Side Bend will strenghten your obliques
Target Muscles Group: shoulders
Workout Routine for the Back
Use this workout routine to strengthen your back muscles.
It targets your lower and upper back as well as your lats
Target Muscles Group: back
Wide Row
4 x 10 repetitions
Kneeling One Arm Row
4 x 10 repetitions
Dead Lift
4 x 10 repetitions
Stiff Legged Dead Lift
4 x 10 repetitions
Workout Routine for the Legs
This routine will be helpful if you want to exercise your leg muscles.
It will target your upper, lower and inner thigh muscles as well as your calves.
The Side Lunge dumbbell exercise will target your inner thighs while the Toe Raise targets your calf muscles.
Target Muscles Group: legs
4 x 10 repetitions
Stationary Lunge
4 x 10 repetitions
Side Lunge
4 x 10 repetitions
Toe Raise
2 x 20 repetitions
Workout Routine for Buttocks
Use this workout routine to strengthen your buttocks.
It mainly targets your glutes
Target Muscles Group: Buttocks
Dead Lift
4 x 10 repetitions
4 x 10 repetitions
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